Fern Flower
Published on January 18, 2022

Linden Castle

Замок Лип, Ireland


The castle on this place was built during the Iron Age, so he had enough time to get ghosts. The most interesting history of the castle is connected with the chapel, where in 1532 a soldier killed his brother priest with a sword. And now the ghost of the priest lives in a room with the frightening name "Bloody Chapel".

Another terrible spirit is called a certain phenomenon that does not look like a person. It is described as a creature the size of a sheep, but with a human face and black nests instead of eyes. Its appearance can also be judged by the characteristic rotten smell.

The dungeon is also "overgrown" with a lot of creepy stories. For example, according to one of them, there is a room in the dungeon with a special hatch through which prisoners were dropped directly onto numerous metal spikes embedded in the floor.
