Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

Kuldhara Village

Кулдхара, Rajasthan, India


In Rajasthan, near the border with Pakistan, lies an abandoned village called Kuldhara. No one has lived there for two centuries. It is said that 1,500 villagers disappeared one day to no one knows where. 

Legend has it that Kuldhara has been inhabited by Brahmins for five centuries, and Salim Singh, the ruler of Jaisalmer, liked the daughter of the head of the Kuldhara community. He demanded that she become his wife, and gave her only a day to think. In case of refusal, Salim Singh threatened to kill all the villagers of the girl. Then her father asked the villagers to leave their homes. 

In a hurry, people left the village forever, while sending curses to Salim Singh. Since then, anyone who dares to stay here for the night is waiting for death.

Since then, the ghosts of people who left their homes have been wandering around the village at night. Witnesses notice moving shadows, hear voices, feel the touch of invisible hands. In addition, unexplained temperature spikes were recorded in some places.
