Fern Flower
Published on February 16, 2022


Кожла-Сола, Mariy El, Respublika, Russian Federation


According to legend, Kozhlasolinskoe Lake in Krasnogorsky village was formed on the site of a church that failed to escape from desecration and desecration during the persecution of the church in the 30s of the last century. That is, a kind of local Kitezh-grad. It was said that allegedly for a long time after that, a gilded cross shone in the water, and on large Orthodox holidays, a dull bell ringing could be heard from under the water.

According to other legends, the lake requires human sacrifices: one person per year. If a person did not drown in it in one year, then two people will surely drown in the next. Indeed, official statistics confirm this.

However, surprisingly, according to the stories of some people, as a rule, children who drowned on the lake were saved by an unknown force, it seemed to push their bodies out of the water – this fact cannot yet be explained somehow.

