Fern Flower
Published on January 19, 2022

Karlstein Castle

Замок Карлштейн, Czech Republic


In the Czech castle of Karlstein, the ghost of a blind musician wanders the corridors.

The musician lived in the vicinity of Karlstein and was not separated from his dog-povadyr. One day the Brunswick prince came to Karlstein with his faithful servant. A servant who turned out to be a traitor, on the instructions of the prince's enemies, gave him a glass of poisoned wine during a feast, but the prince gave this glass to a blind musician, as a sign of gratitude for the excellent lute playing. Just as the musician was about to drain the glass, his devoted dog, sensing trouble, knocked over the glass and drank the poisoned wine. A couple of minutes later, she died in agony.

And a week later, the musician himself died, he grieved very much for his faithful friend.
