Fern Flower
Published on December 30, 2021

Karadag Volcano

Вулкан Карадаг, Russian Federation


In the eastern Crimea, between the villages of Koktebel and Kurortnoye, the Karadag mountain-volcanic massif rises. The name has Turkic roots and translates as "black mountain" because of the color of volcanic rocks.

There is a magnetic anomaly here: compasses stop working. At the same time, some tourists suddenly lose consciousness; someone, on the contrary, feels a surge of strength and energy.

Also, according to local legends, it is found here "Karadag snake" or "Karadag monster" (since it is an aquatic creature, it is probably in the marine surroundings of this place).

Karadag can be visited only with a tourist guide, and unauthorized entry into the territory of the reserve threatens with a large fine.
