Fern Flower
Published on February 10, 2022

House on Lebedeva

ул. Ады Лебедевой, Красноярск, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russian Federation


The old building has a bad reputation. Even during the revolution, a merchant and his family lived here. At that time, his son's fellow soldiers, who died in the war, came to visit him and stayed with him overnight. And in the morning bandits descended on the house. The officers defended the house and killed the raiders. Then they left, and one of them left his portrait to the owners. Years have passed, the grandson of that merchant, was passing by the house and suddenly saw a vaguely familiar man in an old overcoat. He greeted the soldier, smiled, saluted and disappeared into thin air. Later, the man realized where he had seen him - in a photo that his grandfather kept...
