Fern Flower
Published on January 19, 2022

House of Faust

Дом Фауста, Прага, Czech Republic


This building is located in the southern part of Charles Square. According to the legends of Old Prague, it was here that the scientist and warlock Johann Faust lived, according to legend, who sold his soul to the devil. When the hour of reckoning came, the dark forces took him with them, punching a huge hole in the ceiling. It took a long time for the builders to fix it: no matter how many times the roof was repaired, the hole still appeared again.

And in 1945, it was in this place that a bomb fell, although Prague was practically not bombed. Interestingly, it did not explode, but simply broke through the roof, so the building survived, but the hole formed again.

Now, of course, it has been repaired, but still periodically a dark spot appears on the ceiling. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly carry out cosmetic repairs so that the hole does not appear again.

For many centuries, alchemists and scientists have lived and worked in this building, around each of which some strange things happened. Among them were the famous mystics Edward Kelly and John Dee. And one of the tenants, Priest Karel Jaenig, painted all the walls with funeral texts, stored human bones, and used a coffin instead of a bed.
