Fern Flower
Published on January 25, 2022

Hoia-Baciu Forest

Лес Hoia-Baciu, Romania


It is believed that this is a place where ghosts live.

There is a legend that at the beginning of the last century, the area that was completely normal before, for unknown reasons, changed beyond recognition. Animals and birds left the forest, tree trunks gradually bent at incredible angles, and the ground was covered with thick moss. The first victim of Hoya Bachu was a shepherd who disappeared without a trace here along with a flock of sheep. Then a few more brave souls who dared to take a walk in this mysterious place did not return home. Scientists tried to investigate the anomalous zone, but found nothing, only added another mystery — a round clearing was found in the center of the forest, where there is no vegetation. According to one version, these are the traces of a UFO landing.
