Fern Flower
Published on December 30, 2021

Gwrych Castle

Замок Гврич, United Kingdom


At the beginning of the 19th century, this castle overlooking the Irish Sea was built by the Bamford-Hesketh family. The castle was inherited by Countess Winfrid of Dundonald, who was known as the patroness of Welsh art and music. Her husband spent half of his life in Scotland, so the whole castle and its territory were at the service of his wife and her guests.

In 1946, the castle was sold and has since changed many owners. Medieval festivals were held here, films were shot, but after a while the castle became abandoned and began to collapse. Later, the ceiling collapsed here, breaking the floor in the castle.

It is said that high paranormal activity is monitored in this castle. Locals claim that often a young woman appears in an empty window. Someone believes that this is the spirit of a young maid, and someone is the ghost of Countess Winfried herself.

It is believed that UFOs began to be noticed in this area since 1892.


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