Fern Flower
Published on February 15, 2022


ГУМ, Владивосток, Primorskiy kray, Russian Federation


The ghost of a man with a cane in his hands, dressed in an old tailcoat and bowler hat, in the 90s wandered at night between the counters of the Vladivostok GUM, which, by the way, is an architectural monument of federal significance, and frightened the night watchmen.

According to legend, every year on the night of Ivan Kupala in the courtyard next to GUM (now there, if I'm not mistaken, the Chinese market) with the first rays of the sun appeared glowing balls that flew for about three minutes at a height of about two meters and tried to "stick" to a person. They are fairies. 

When they started circling overhead, making chirping sounds, very melodious and beautiful, then that person was lucky for a whole year. Unfortunately, according to legend, fairies will appear until a bazaar is built on this place.
