Fern Flower
Published on December 14, 2021

The Green Theater

Воронежский центральный парк, Воронеж, Voronezhskaya oblast', Russian Federation


The history of the Voronezh Central Park has more than 170 years.

In 1844, on the instructions of Emperor Alexander II, a "tree nursery of the 3rd category" was created on the site of the park for the cultivation of various tree species, as well as garden and ornamental plants. 3.5 thousand specimens grew in the nursery, so the townspeople began to call it a Botanical Garden. Already by 1850, the nursery was designated as a "Botanical Garden" on the maps of Voronezh. The unofficial name of those years is "Nerd".

In 1918, the Soviet authorities transferred the nursery to the local university, and in 1929 it was given the status of a park and the name of Kaganovich (popularly "Kagach"). During the battles for Voronezh in 1942-43, the front line passed, and there were fierce battles. In 1947, a monument was erected there on the site of the battles of the Soviet Army with the Nazi occupiers in 1942-1943. (Mass Grave No. 13)" where 165 defenders of Voronezh are buried, the monument is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance and is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments).

In peacetime, the park was restored. In 1957, after the removal of the People's Commissar, the park was renamed. The former royal nursery began to bear the name of the writer Gorky.

In the late 60s, the sign changed to the Central Park of Culture and Recreation (CPKiO).

Then it became known as "Dynamo" because of the nearby stadium.

In 1988, the park area was flooded due to an accident in the Voronezh reservoir system. The height of the water reached 3.5-4 meters, and after the flood only a few buildings survived. There were no funds for its restoration, and therefore the park was in an abandoned state for a long time.

The major renovation of the park began in 2014. Along with the renewal of the appearance, the park also changed the name chosen by the citizens themselves, and became known as "Voronezh Central Park".

On the territory of the park there was a street theater called "Green". An alley with lanterns led to it, a famous place for romantic walks. The theater itself was an architectural complex with hemispherical windows and vaults decorated with frescoes. The spectators were located on a 20-meter slope with benches. Movies were shown here almost every evening, and on summer weekends it was possible to watch performances and concerts of touring troupes, as well as performances by amateur groups.

The Green Theater was temporarily closed for the first time due to flooding in 1988. The second, already final closure occurred a year later, after the tour of the band "Tender May", because nine people were crushed to death by a crowd of fans during the concert, 10 years ago the ruins of the theater were considered a suitable place for a paintball club, but its organization never took place.

Before the reconstruction, it was considered an anomalous place - ghosts and strange visions were seen there, the compass showed incorrect data, and people felt unpleasant sensations.


Our comments

All the members of our group living or staying in Voronezh visited this place. Many have been there repeatedly, both before (for example, several people in their childhood visited it every weekend), and today.

Before the reconstruction, the territory of the theater is a picturesque ruin. According to rumors, Satanists regularly gathered under the stage, in the basements of the Green Theater and performed orgies with human sacrifices. It is difficult to say how true these rumors are: even in the years when the landscaping of the park has fallen into disrepair, every day, especially on weekends, a huge number of people gather in these places. Someone to dance and sing to the fervent playing of harmonicists, who are located on park benches, someone to take a walk with children, someone to plunge into the cold water of an equipped spring, and someone to take a good photo.

This place is considered by many to be a place of power. Many people experience unpleasant sensations in this place. Someone even complains about strange visions. The compass in this place turns the arrow and shows incorrect data. This behavior of the compass may be due to nearby power cables passing under the theater.

Photographers have been choosing this place for a long time, and dozens of people take hundreds of photos here on a weekend.

For the next 20 years, we did not know of any unusual photos from this place. If someone has them, please respond and provide them to us. Perhaps this place is really anomalous and needs to be studied. we have never been able to see or photograph anything unusual in this place, although we know stories from 11 people who at different times noticed ghosts or sudden oppressive sensations here.