Fern Flower
Published on January 18, 2022

The grave of the Dominican monks

Могила доминиканских монахов, Стокгольм, Sweden


In 1930, when it was decided to make a new school and playground for children in the Old Town, bones were discovered during construction.

It was decided that they belonged to the Dominican monks, who in the Middle Ages were called the black brothers, because of the color of their clothes, as well as information that their monastery was located in this part of the city (its walls can still be seen in the basement of several houses).

The workers complained of pangs of conscience and all sorts of mystical fears associated with the fact that they disturbed the monks who had been resting there for more than 500 years. Then it was decided to lay a tombstone on this very spot.

Despite this, it is believed that you can still hear the dissatisfied voices of monks near this place.
