Fern Flower
Published on February 17, 2022

Grave Cape

Могильный мыс, Tomskaya oblast', Russian Federation


Mogilny Cape is located at the same distance from the villages of Vostochnoye and Vargater. The name itself arose in the mid-1980s, after scientists became interested in a strange piece of terrain, an area of three hundred meters. Beliefs about this place existed long before the appearance of interest from scientists. 

According to local residents, the first oddities of this inexplicable place can be felt already when approaching the big forest cape. Here, above the hill, even on the sunniest day there is a haze or fog. When approaching it, a person begins to feel emotional discomfort, turning into a feeling of hopelessness. But, most interestingly, even the physical condition worsens: the heart rate increases and the pressure rises.

It is impossible to see animals and birds around the cape, hunters avoid this place. Eyewitnesses say that they have seen UFOs here, met with creatures similar to dwarves, and discovered ancient burial sites of the Kulais, whose evil spirits still allegedly roam this place. In general, the volume of legends and confessions is large, but one thing unites them - all the stories are somehow connected with mysticism and supernatural phenomena.

The first researcher of the "cursed" place was the Sverdlovsk journalist Mikhail Glukhov. He, being on a business trip, stopped in the village of Vostochny, where he learned from local residents about this area. The Ural reporter described in his diaries the sensations of being on the Grave Cape: 

"... absolute silence reigns on the cape, which is not disturbed by the rustle of cedar branches or the singing of birds, and the earth is covered with cold darkness." 

The further Glukhov advanced to the tip of the Grave Cape, the more anxious and dreary his soul became. Soon these gloomy feelings forced him to turn back. After Mikhail Glukhov, several more expeditions were sent to the area of Mogilny Cape, but they also did not give any clear answers about what was happening in this area.

Currently, the opinion of scientists explaining the strange nature of the place has agreed that there are magnetic fields created by iron ore rocks that lie in the cape area at a depth of only about ten meters. Such a close location of a rich iron ore deposit leads to the junction of positive and negative fields, which in general causes the manifestation of abnormal terrain features. In addition, a fairly significant geological fault passes under the cape and nearby lakes, which can also contribute to the manifestation of the anomaly of the adjacent territories.

Researchers of the anomalous also believe that the cult structure of antiquity also had a significant impact on the energy of the place. The fact is that an ancient Kulai burial was discovered on the territory of the cape. And residents of nearby villages, according to the stories, even saw the ghosts of Kulais. Anyway, there are still no answers. Mogilny Cape continues to attract researchers and retains an aura of mystery for many years.
