Fern Flower
Published on May 9, 2023

Fort Alfonso XII or San Cristobal

Форт Альфонсо XII или Сан-Кристобаль, Spain


Fort Alfonso XII or San Cristobal is a military fortress located on Mount Escaba or San Cristobal, from which it received its popular name. In 1929 it became a military prison. On May 22, 1938, at the height of the civil war, there was a mass escape of prisoners (at that time there were 2,487 prisoners in San Cristobal prison, of which only 3 managed to escape to the border with France, and the rest were killed).

Since September 2007 The Aranzadi Scientific Society, the Thinpart Cultural Society, together with the Fusilados de Navarre Relatives Association, are exhuming corpses from the cemetery associated with the prison, known as the "Bottle Cemetery".

In the book* Nekane Flisflisher "España embrujada: Un recorrido terrorífico por misterios, leyendas y secretos ocultos" it is indicated that voices from an unknown source are often heard in this place, and multiple psychophonies occur (the spirit speaks with the voice of a medium).


* other sources confirming the paranormal activity of this place have not yet been found.
