Fern Flower
Published on January 12, 2022

Edole Castle

Замок Эдоле, Latvia


Brothers Johann and Friedrich Baer fell in love with a girl Sibylla von Maydel. The beauty chose Friedrich, because of which, tormented by jealousy, Johann once killed his brother at nightfall. To hide the traces of the crime, he washed the floor and the wall from the blood. Then he buried his former rival with honors and after a while married his beloved.

As soon as the young wife arrived at the Edol Castle, bloodstains appeared again at the murder site. Johann ordered them to be covered with furniture. Since then, the young baron has become withdrawn and spent most of the day outside the house. Sybil spent all her time at the spinning wheel. The young woman still loved Friedrich, so the absence of her husband did not bother her.

After some time, the repentant Johann decided to take his own life – he drove a horse and crashed into an oak tree. The young baroness never got married and still spent almost all her days spinning. One day a dwarf visited her and gave her a golden spindle, saying that "this is the happiness of the castle." The valuable gift was immured in the wall next to the bloodstain.

Many years later, when the owners of the castle were Baron Adolf Baer and his wife Evelina, they decided to put a stove on the spot of the stain – specifically to burn out the blood with fire. But the architects chosen for this died in turn.

According to rumors, various reconstructions of the structure have always been hindered by the ghost of Sybil, who did not want anyone to find the golden spindle. The white lady (as the ghost was named) is still walking around the castle.
