Fern Flower
Published on January 18, 2022

Dragsholm Castle

Замок Драгсхольм, Denmark


Built at the end of the XII century, Dragsholm Castle is now used as a luxury hotel. Exactly one hundred ghosts roaming the corridors every night make him famous. One can only guess how the "census" of these inhabitants was carried out.

The three most famous are the Grey Lady, the Lady in White and the Earl of Bothwell. The lady in white fell in love with a peasant. Her father found out about the affair and imprisoned his daughter in the wall of one of the rooms so as not to remember her anymore. In the thirties, workers restoring the wing of the castle actually found the skeleton of a young woman in a white robe in the wall.

The gray lady served in the castle and after her death could not leave her place of work. Therefore, even now she comes back sometimes to check if everything is in order. As for the Earl of Bothwell, he died imprisoned in a basement dungeon, and his ghost still cannot leave the castle.
