Fern Flower
Published on January 27, 2022

The Devil's Ring

Кольцо Дьявола, Pennsylvania, United States of America


In Pennsylvania, near the Delaware River, near Bucks and Franklin, there is a mysterious and frightening mountainous area, which is called the "Devil's Ring", "Stone Garden" or "Ringing Rocks". The rocks here really have their own voice. Instilling superstitious horror on everyone who happens to hear it, from time to time they begin to spontaneously "sing", making ringing sounds in a very wide range of timbre and volume - from barely audible howls, to trumpet voice and bell ringing. Moreover, people experience uncontrollable fear among these rocks even if they are silent.

American researcher Ivan T.Sanderson found another anomaly in the area of the "Devil's Ring". He found a strange plateau, with an area of 28 km?, surrounded by a dense ring of forest 15 meters high. Trees, grass and shrubs are everywhere you look. But this plateau is like a bald patch, on which there is no hint of flora or fauna - no signs of vital activity of even the most primitive living organisms, not to mention traces of animals common to mountains and forests. In their reports, Sanderson and his companions noted that when they stepped onto the plateau, they always experienced a feeling of animal fear.
