Fern Flower
Published on January 25, 2022

The Dead Cities of Humberston and Santa Laura

Хамберстон, Санта-Лаура, Chile


There are places in Chile that locals try to avoid - the dead cities of Humberston and Santa Laura. They look like twins. But the similarity lies not in the beautiful architecture and historical monuments, but in the appearance of ghosts on their territory.

These cities were once built specifically to house workers working in the saltpeter mines. It was at the end of the XIX century. There were many businesses around, cities were growing and expanding. In the middle of the last century, stocks dried up, work stopped, and people began to leave these cities. It is said that many people, unable to cope with the need, committed suicide. And there was no one to bury them, and there was nothing for it.

Now restless souls roam the deserted streets and look for a victim. And those dead who were buried rise from their graves and join the rest.
