Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

Caves under the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola

Готитола, Чандели, Chhattisgarh, India


In caves under the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola, located in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, 130 kilometers from the city of Raipur, rock carvings dating back about 10,000 years have been found. They depict creatures similar to humanoids. Some of them are wearing spacesuits and holding objects resembling weapons in their hands. Nearby is an object on three supports, resembling a flying saucer. 

There is a legend among the local population that in ancient times in these places people of small stature, who were nicknamed "rochela", descended from heaven several times. Going on the way back, the "rochela" always took one or two people with them, and they did not return back.

Ufologists and supporters of the theory of paleocontact are convinced that we are talking about aliens… 
