Fern Flower
Published on October 29, 2023

Cannock Chase

Кэннок Чейз в Стаффордшире, United Kingdom


Experts on paranormal phenomena say that there may be a portal in the English forest that lets in werewolves and animals from another world.

Cannock Chase in Staffordshire is a creepy hotspot where dozens of supernatural creatures can be seen. Author Lee Brickley, who has been exploring this area for two decades, believes that there may be a door to another universe letting them through, and fears that something terrifying may soon enter our world.

He said:

"Cannock Chase is known all over the world as a place where people encounter creatures such as werewolves, ghosts, ghostly travelers and perhaps the most famous of them is the black—eyed child."

Reports of a so-called "black-eyed child" wandering through a creepy forest appeared in the 1980s. Some locals believe that the spine—tingling ghost is the spirit of a young girl murdered in the area in the 1960s, while others believe it could be a demon or even an alien.

Lee added that, in his opinion, there are many spirits of the dead living in the forest, and the creepy black-eyed child may be communicating with other scary creatures such as werewolves and monsters.
