Fern Flower
Published on January 23, 2022

Calcutta National Library

Национальная библиотека Калькутты, Калькутта, India


The Calcutta National Library is located in the main building of the old Belvedere Estate. The first owner of the estate was Prince Dwarkanath Tagore. 

In 2010, during the renovation on the ground floor of the building, workers found a walled-up room with an area of 304 square meters. What was there before, no one knows. However, it is known that mysterious entities have been living in the library for many years. At night, voices are heard here, footsteps are heard. In the morning, books and archival materials are found scattered on the floor and tables.

But the loudest story happened to a student who stayed to work at night in the archive, collecting materials on the Victorian era, and disappeared without a trace.
