Fern Flower
Published on February 16, 2022


Бутрахты, Khakasiya, Respublika, Russian Federation


In the village of Butrakhty, which is located in In the Tashtypsky district, creatures roam the streets, which are called "hara kyzy" in the local language (in Russian it can be translated as "mountain man"). Both adults and children, everyone you meet, know perfectly well who they are. They observe the only rule — not to walk at night from 12 to 6 o'clock — and live in peace.

In the story given by an eyewitness, the mountain spirit is described as follows:

"There was a very tall man standing outside the window. That is, at first I thought it was a man, but then he opened his eyes. There were no pupils, only empty whites. He stared at us and stared without blinking, then leaned over to the window and began to lick it with his tongue from top to bottom, continuing to look at us. His tongue had a cadaverous blue color."

