Fern Flower
Published on February 25, 2022

The building of the institute "BelNIPIneft"

Корпус института «БелНИПИнефть», Гомель, Belarus


A sparkling high-rise building in the center of Gomel has grown in record time — the Belorusneft company has built a new building of its institute "BelNIPIneft" in a historic place on Knizhnaya Street.

But soon after the commissioning of the building, some employees of the Institute began to tell each other scary stories: at night, alarms started going off in the building and mystical things happened (serviceable equipment broke down, groans, screams, cries, knocks, etc. began to be heard from the dark corridors).

People are sure that mystical things happen because the new building is built on bones. This place used to be a fascist prisoner of war camp, in which more than 100 thousand Soviet soldiers died.
