Fern Flower
Published on January 27, 2022

Broken Mountain

Гора Брокен, Germany


Brocken Mountain, located in the Saxon Harz National Park, is considered the highest point in northern Germany (1141 meters above sea level).

According to legend, the first witch "gathering" took place on the top of the mountain back in 1540, at the height of the Reformation, when not only Catholics, but also newly seceded Protestants conducted a witch hunt. The witches chose the Brocken, apparently, for quite rational reasons – on average 300 days a year, the top of the mountain is covered with thick fog.

Walpurgis Night is celebrated on the Brocken to this day – every year from April 30 to May 1, thousands of people gather here, disguised as a witch with a broom, and some as the devil.

Many consider this place mystical, imbued with magical power and capable of letting otherworldly entities into our world.
