Fern Flower
Published on May 29, 2023

Bolsover Castle

Замок Болсовер, United Kingdom


Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, where, as they say, the ghost of a boy appears, imperceptibly taking guests by the hand, is recognized as the most creepy in England. This verdict to the castle, built over ancient tombs, was made by the staff of English Heritage, a non-governmental foundation for historical buildings and monuments of England.

The survey was attended by 1800 employees of English Heritage, who assessed the historical places where they work, according to the degree of horror.

Employees of Bolsover Castle listed various horrors happening in it, including strange footsteps, doors slamming for no reason, muffled voices and even screams, unexplained lights and, in general, feelings of grave cold.

Bolsover was built in the XII century and since then, in different centuries, belonged to various noble families of England, until in 1883 it became uninhabited, and in 1945 its formal owner, the 7th Earl of Portland, transferred the castle to the ownership of the state.

The castle is included in the list of the most important monuments of antiquity and architecture of national importance.

