Fern Flower
Published on January 19, 2022

Black Mountain

Черная гора, Australia


26 kilometers from the city of Cooktown, there is one of the most mysterious and geologically sinister sites on earth, called "Black Mountain". The granite massif, almost 430 meters high, consists of huge boulders lying on top of each other. Aborigines from ancient times treated the Black Mountain and its numerous caves with caution, considering this lifeless, inaccessible place cursed.

Australian ufologists believe that under the mountain there is a portal leading to the underworld, where monsters that resemble a lizard live. The aborigines didn't call them aliens, they called them demons or ghosts.

The legend of the rainbow serpent occupies a special place in Australian folklore. As a rule, he punished those who committed a bad deed. Sometimes he just swallowed people, sometimes he wreaked havoc in the neighborhood. Aborigines consider him a progenitor and benefactor, and the huge Kalkajaka Mountain is his native home, permanent home.
