Fern Flower
Published on January 14, 2022

Bishop's Castle in Haapsalu

Епископский замок, Хаапсалу, Estonia


The Bishop's Castle in Haapsalu became widely known largely due to the beautiful legend of the White Lady. 

This happened several centuries ago. The city of Haapsalu was much smaller than the modern city, and its central part was occupied by a fortress, behind the walls of which monks lived, for whom worldly pleasures were forbidden. Sometimes the monks went out into the city for a walk or shopping.

Enne (I take any Estonian name) was loved by everyone in the city: both young and old, and even children. She had blue eyes and very long white hair, such a warm look that everyone wanted her to look at him, and if you accidentally touch her sleeve, then the day will definitely go well.

And then one day the monks, walking through the city, slowed down - Enne was walking towards them. She bowed her head in greeting and some of the monks dropped their bags on the pavement. Waldo, the youngest monk, could not move - he followed Enne with a hot look, as if asking: "Turn around! I love you! I can't live without you! You're so alone!"…Enne turned her head and smiled her extraordinary smile. 

Time passed, the monks no longer appeared in the city, then Enne, dressed in a man's dress, walked past the guards into the fortress at night. She walked as if she knew where Waldo was. They met, hiding from the old monks, talked until morning. 

The day before the next date was infinitely long, and the morning came instantly. Once, when Waldo took Enne's hands in his for the first time, when he hid his face in her tender palms, a dense ring of monks surrounded the lovers.

Her ghost has become one of the symbols of the city. Moreover, on August days, when the heroine of the most famous Estonian legend appears in the window of the tower at the full moon, the Days of the White Lady music festival takes place in the courtyard of the castle.

According to legend, the story that brought fame to the resort town of Haapsalu occurred at the time when the Ezel-Viksky bishop ruled in the city. 
