Fern Flower
Published on January 20, 2022


Бетембург, Luxembourg


Legends say that on the hills of Bethembourg from time to time you can hear a howl issued by a creature of an indeterminate species.

The story itself: 

Once, many years ago, in the city of Bethembourg, a selfish young man hastily and thoughtlessly left his poor, dependent old parents and went to war. Years passed, but there was no news from him. Residents The Betemburgs took careful care of their abandoned parents, but they became weaker and more unhappy every day, because no one could answer their question: what happened to their only son? is he alive, wounded, or already dead?

Many years have passed. The young man's parents died a long time ago and the residents of the city began to forget both the culprit of the tragedy and the story itself. The city continued to live its life.

But one day, on the road from Luxembourg to Bethembourg, an old soldier, wounded in battle, was noticed. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. But one look at him was enough to understand how much suffering and misfortune had befallen him. His eyes were full of fear, and curses escaped from his lips. Approaching the city, he sat down to rest on a hill. Despair shone in his gaze as he looked around the familiar places. But suddenly he noticed a stone crucifix on a hill. And it was as if the devil had taken possession of the soldier's soul at that moment. He jumped up and ran to the crucifix, throwing stones at it and showering curses on the shrine. After destroying the cross, the soldier disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

Since that day, a bloodthirsty wolf appeared in the district of the city of Bettembourg, which killed any living creature that got in its way. Nothing could kill the beast-no weapon, no sword.

This continued until a monk who lived in those places advised to cast a silver bullet and engrave the names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph on it. The best shooter of the city was assigned to find the monster and soon he dealt with him. When the residents of the city approached the creature, they saw that the animal turned out to be the same soldier who abandoned his infirm parents. The corpse was cremated so that there would be no trace of the werewolf.

Since then on the hill A howl is heard at the site of the destroyed crucifixion of Bethembourg. They say it's the restless soul of a soldier looking for his place, and someone even saw a wolf.
