Fern Flower
Published on February 17, 2023

Baula del Monge

улица Маркиза де Монастерио, 10, Мадрид, Spain


El Baúl del Monje was an antique shop in Madrid (Spain), known for being the center of alleged paranormal phenomena of great intensity in the 1990s.

The alleged phenomena of materialization, ghosts, unexplained noises and movements of inanimate objects occurred every day, and they all had a poltergeist character. Some of them were witnessed by the store's customers.

Examples of statements by members of this research group: 

  • The lamps began to move by themselves. For example, crystal ornaments hanging from them appeared in other rooms. They jumped in front of my eyes or just broke down. The taps opened by themselves, sometimes it seemed as if the tableware had fallen to the floor, and sometimes there was a rotten smell, turning into an incredible aroma of roses. He came out of the rooms and soaked some of the furniture. One of the cupboards smelled of burnt hair.
  • Once we organized a store. There was a candle on the table and suddenly it lit up. Another time, Noel threw away a sheep's head because it seemed to come to life. After throwing it away, we found it at the door of the room. From that day on, we hid it.
  • There were days when we closed the store and came to see what was going on. Events always unfolded simultaneously. Being with friends in the main room, some pieces of wood began to fall on us, as if eaten and wet.

Currently, the room is occupied by a residential building, in which such phenomena were no longer reported. 
