Fern Flower
Published on May 8, 2023

Dispensary of Aguas de Busot

Профилакторий Агуас-де-Бусот, Spain


The spa center of Aguas de Busot is an architectural complex built in the 19th century in the municipality Aguas de Busot, province of Alicante (Spain). It is located 1 km from the city Aguas de Busot.

The most common legend is associated with the appearance of a woman dressed in white in the building. She appears at night. According to some stories, it is the spirit of the wife of Count Casas Rojas.

In this place, spiritualists often try to contact spirits with the help of a board or psychophones (the spirit speaks with the voice of a medium).

The Busot City Council has fenced off the territory and asks people not to approach it. They claim that there is nothing strange in this place and the only thing that has been recorded in recent years are acts of vandalism.
