Fern Flower
Published on January 23, 2022

Agrasen Ki Baoli Ladder

Лестница Agrasen Ki Baoli, Дели, India


The Agrasen Ki Baoli staircase in Delhi is called the suicide staircase The Agrasen Ki Baoli staircase in Delhi is called the suicide staircase. It was built in immemorial times, some people claim that it is a contemporary of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. In the XIV century, the building underwent reconstruction. 103 steps lead down to the black water.  People say that a spell has been cast on this place, and anyone who goes down the stairs and approaches the water is seized with a desire to commit suicide. And it is very important not to succumb to this desire…

From the Delhi fortress of Firuzabad, built by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, now only ruins remain, in which, according to legend, evil genies live. These places also actively attract suicides, and the ghosts of those who committed suicide here continue to roam the ruins. There are wells in the fortress, to which, according to legend, fairies descend every night. According to legend, a mere mortal who sees them will lose his sight.
