Fern Flower
Published on September 15, 2024

UFO. Russian Federation

Bol'shoye Annenkovo, Bol'sheannenkovskiy sel'sovet, Fatezhsky rayon, Kurskaya oblast', Tsentral'nyy federal'nyy okrug, Rossiya
February 7, 1985 at 6:15:00 AM

Initial data

Shakhova Maria Vasilievna (born in 1940) is writing to the Commission on Anomalous Aerial Phenomena.

This year I was visiting my mother in the Kursk region, in the village of B-Annenskovo in the Fatezh district. On February 7th at 6:15 in the morning, I went out onto the porch to see if the bus was coming, and accidentally looked to the left, in the direction of the hamlet of Bakhtinka.

Across the sky, at a height of 20-25 meters, a real fiery ball was flying - it seemed as if a lump of bright red fire was flying.

The ball was shaped like a child's ball, about 20 cm in diameter. There was a glow around the ball, like the glow around the moon.

Our house is on the right bank of a small river, on a hill, and the ball was flying over the opposite bank. At first, it flew parallel to the river, and then began to move away towards the village of Glebovo, which is perpendicular to the river.

The ball was flying fast, almost as fast as airplanes.

The weather was winter: the temperature was down to -20 degrees, a light snow was falling quietly, and there was hardly any wind. And in this silence, no sounds from the ball could be heard.

