Fern Flower
Published on September 13, 2024

UFO. Netherlands

Papekop, Audewater, Utrecht, Netherlands
September 12, 2024 at 11:00:00 PM

Initial data


Fast moving white dot.

Saw a fast moving dot (initially thought it was a star).

The most likely explanation according to ufomeldpunt.nl - Planet:

Jupiter or Saturn, as well as the stars Capella or Arcturus.


Snel bewegende witte stip.

PAPEKOP, UT — Zag een stip(dacht eerst dat het een ster was) snel bewegen

Meest waarschijnlijke verklaring


Jupiter of Saturnus en anders de sterren Capella of Arcturus.



Since the dot looked like a star but was moving quickly, it is most likely the ISS or another bright satellite.
